Street-Smart” the New Best-Seller by Bobby Phillips Shows You Creative Ways to Get What You Want!

The author’s diversified accomplishments speak for themselves …

It’s not where you start … It’s where you finish!

Fifty-two of the most amazing “Street-Smart” success stories start with seemingly insurmountable problems … and end with surprisingly simple solutions!

Street-Smart” shows you how to …

  • Think Outside of the Box

  • Turn Negatives into Positives

  • Create Your Own Opportunities

  • Achieve Success through Failure

Regardless of your age or gender, “Street-Smart” shows you how to get what you want … simply and creatively. Beautifully illustrated examples clearly demonstrate the difference between knowledge and imagination.

Albert Einstein said,“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Logic will get you from A to B; imagination will take you everywhere.” “Street-Smart” shows you how to think in new, imaginative ways that will make your life happier and more successful. Imagine that!

Street-Smart” will inspire you to rethink your thinking!

“Nobody ever made a difference by being like everybody else!

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