Bobby Phillips … “Thanks” is His Only Reward

Bobby addressing advertising majors at Southern Methodist University …

Bobby Phillips does not accept fees for university lectures. Nor does he keep any proceeds from the sale of his books. In the spirit of giving back, Bobby’s sole reward is the “Thanks” he receives from thousands of people he has personally mentored or motivated with his advice and lectures.

Regardless of age or background, Bobby shows each individual how to reach his or her full potential. For decades, he has shared his hard earned secrets of success with others. If you want to see how a positive attitude and creative imagination can overcome your adversity, attend one of Bobby’s presentations or read “Street-Smart“. You’ll see why this young-at-heart octogenarian has been happy, successful and financially independent since kindergarten!

Remember … It’s not where you start … It’s where you finish!

Bobby will be making limited personal appearances throughout the year.

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